vertical crater retreat
8.3.2: Shrinkage Stoping GEOG 000 - John A.
Vertical Crater Retreat (VCR) As a variation of shrinkage stoping most of what we said there, applies here, except for the differences that I am going to point out to you now. VCR is much safer because miners and
北京矿冶研究总院矿山所 - 百度百科
主要包括大直径深孔采矿法( Vertical Crater Retreat )、自然崩落采矿法、全尾砂高浓度充填采矿法、上向或下向进路水砂充填采矿法、分段充填采矿法、大型露天矿陡帮开采以
Study on the long-hole raising technique using one blast
2018.9.1 On the other hand, several blasting technique innovations have also improved the raising safety. In Canada in 1975, mining company INCO developed a
Study on the raising technique using one blast based on the
2019.1.1 In the previous work reporting the results of preliminary study, method of vertical crater retreat (VCR) multiple-deck shots with different and smaller slice heights
The Blasting Test and Blasting Vibration Monitoring of Vertical Crater ...
2016.5.4 The blasting test on the vertical crater retreat mining method and the blasting vibration were analyzed. It is estimated if the vibration damage possibly the
Geotechnical aspects of vertical crater mining method in a
Synopsis. Vertical Crater Retreat is compared to other open stoping methods. Various geotechnical factors have been considered including the effects of stress concentration,
Vertical crater retreat mining in the Sudbury Basin
1991.9.1 The ore body is mined from the bottom up. The method in turn has required a change in materials handling to cope with the greatly increased productivity. This paper
Materials Proceedings Free Full-Text Parametric
The most commonly used sublevel stoping mining methods are sublevel open stoping, long-hole open stoping, and vertical crater retreat (VCR). It is applicable to large, steeply dipping, regular competent ore bodies
中南大学 刘科伟
2020.6.26 发表时间: 2018-07-05. 收录刊物: SCI. 上一条: Study on the raising technique using one blast based on the combination of long-hole presplitting and vertical
Study on the long-hole raising technique using one blast
2018.9.1 A scheme of multiple deck blasting based on vertical crater retreat (VCR) drop-raising method was designed for an abandoned cavity with 30-m cover. The lower 12-m cover was first blasted to investigate the practical blast performance. Charging and timing patterns were adjusted accordingly and the left 18-m cover was successfully opened up.
Shrinkage stoping Vertical Crater Retreat stoping
2024.1.1 Vertical Crater Retreat (VCR) or Vertical Retreat Stoping: configuration method in stopes where drilling large diameter is used to detonate horizontal slices of ore, leading them to the base of ...
Evolution of Vertical Crater Retreat Mining at Mindola Mine
The vertical crater retreat method of mining was first introduced at Mindola mine in the late-1980s following several trials that helped define the design criteria for its application. Over the last ten years the method has been continually modified to improve safety and maximise ore production. For example, due to the weakness of some rock ...
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Geotechnical aspects of vertical crater mining method in
2017.8.28 Vertical Crater Retreat is compared to other open stoping methods. Various geotechnical factors have been considered including the effects of stress concentration, jointing, dynamic stresses ... Crater Retreat mi n i ng method a potential alternative. Visits were made to a number of North Ameri can mi nes in an effort to
Mining Methods SpringerLink
2016.7.13 2.2.4 Vertical Crater Retreat. Vertical crater retreat method (VCR) is used at the deposits that have competent steeply dipping ore hosted by the competent wall rocks (Fig. 2.9). The ground conditions in general is similar to that of the SLOS method, however the VCR is technically simpler and allows to achieve a large production rate commonly ...
Long-hole raise blasting in a single shot: Assessment of void
2023.1.15 Study on the raising technique using one blast based on the combination of long-hole presplitting and vertical crater retreat multiple-deck shots. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci (2019) S. Chandrakar et al. Influence of void ratio on “blast pull” for different confinement factors of development headings in underground metalliferous mines.
Study on the long-hole raising technique using one blast
2018.9.1 A scheme of multiple deck blasting based on vertical crater retreat (VCR) drop-raising method was designed for an abandoned cavity with 30-m cover. The lower 12-m cover was first blasted to investigate the practical blast performance. Charging and timing patterns were adjusted accordingly and the left 18-m cover was successfully opened up.
(PDF) Mining method selection for extracting moderately
2022.5.17 When the criteria were evaluated with the alternatives, the technically applicable mining method with the highest score of 18 % was Vertical Crater Retreat (VCR), followed by sublevel open stoping ...
Geotechnical aspects of vertical crater mining method in a
Synopsis. Vertical Crater Retreat is compared to other open stoping methods. Various geotechnical factors have been considered including the effects of stress concentration, jointing, dynamic stresses superimposed by blasting vibrations, amount of development required and shrinkage draw. All these factors favour a VCR method in a deep mining ...
Introduction to Underground Excavation by Drilling and Blasting
2016.11.23 Downward drilling. Long holes with pilot hole cut, crater cut, “VCR” cut (vertical crater retreat), and the full-face method. These kinds of methods are much safer as the workers do not work under the excavation space directly, but they require high drilling accuracy and good rock condition (relatively integral and stable).
漫谈浅孔留矿法(Shrinkage Stoping) - 技术邻
2021.8.27 这类采矿方法部分依靠人工支护,主要包括: 充填空场法(Cut-and-Fill Stoping),留矿采矿法(Shrinkage Stoping)和VCR采矿法(Vertical Crater Retreat); (3) 不需要支护 这类采矿方法不需要人工支护,主要包括:长臂采矿法(Longwall Mining),分段崩落法(Sublevel Caving)和块体崩落法(Block Caving).
Damage Characteristics of Surrounding Rock
For limiting the damage range caused by explosive shock loads in vertical crater retreat (VCR) mining, the blasting damage characteristics of surrounding rock were studied by two methods: numerical simulation and
(PDF) Sublevel Stoping Underground Mining Methods
2014.2.1 Shrinkage stoping Ascending method of mining Advantages and Disadvantages Vertical Crater Retreat stoping Introduction Application Developmental sequence of stopes Production How Cratering Works .
Techniques in Underground Mining - ILO Encyclopaedia of
2011.3.13 Vertical crater retreat mining. Like sublevel stoping and shrinkage stoping, vertical crater retreat (VCR) mining is applicable to mineralization in steeply dipping strata. However, it uses a different blasting technique breaking the rock with heavy, concentrated charges placed in holes (“craters”) with very large diameter (about 165 mm ...
Backfill Practices for Sublevel Stoping System - Springer
2023.1.25 variations, such as blasthole stoping, vertical crater retreat (VCR), or vertical block mining (VBM) for the extraction of steeply dipping ore bodies [1]. In these methods, the ore body is divided into blocks or stopes, which are mined out while following a pyramidal mining sequence in transverse-retreat directions. In VBM,
Types of Mining Methods Sell Side Handbook
2018.3.11 Vertical crater retreat is another variation of long-hole stoping and is used for ore bodies that are steeply dipping. Depending on the type of ore body, the appropriate variation is selected. Shrinkage Stoping. Shrinkage stoping is an overhand mining method that is used for self-supporting vertical ore bodies. In this method, ore is mined in ...
(PDF) Underground mining Methods - ResearchGate
2010.2.1 5) Shrink age Stoping. Shrinkage stoping may be termed a “ classic” mining method, having been perhaps the most popular mining. method for mos t of the past century. It has largely been ...
VCR采矿法 - 矿业百科
2022.6.29 vertical crater retreat mining method 简介 在下向大直径深孔中装填球状药包并自下而上崩落矿石的阶段矿房采矿法。它可用于回采矿房、也可用于胶结充填矿房后回采矿柱。 结构参数和采准 矿体厚度小于15或20m时,矿块沿矿体走向布置;更厚时,则垂直于走向
Metal Mines Blasting PPT - SlideShare
2009.12.17 Vertical Crater Retreat (VCR) – Advanced method of Sublevel stoping: With the advent of large diameter (100 mm to 200mm) rotary and down the hole percussion drills, it became practical to adopt modified version of large diameter parallel hole drilling and blasting for sublevel stoping. With this system hole deviation is no longer a problem ...
Opencast to underground iron ore mining method
2018.7.28 RAO Z B, CAI S J. The blasting test and blasting vibration monitoring of vertical crater retreat mining method in the Luohe iron mine [J]. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2015, 34: 1047–1056. Article Google Scholar XU H L, YANG T H
método de explotación vcr vertical crater retreat
2015.12.26 Crater Retreat vertical se aplica a los yacimientos con salsa y el rock fuerte competencia tanto en el mineral y roca huésped. Parte del mineral de chorreado permanecerá en el rebaje sobre el ciclo de producción, que sirve como soporte temporal de las paredes caserones. III. DESCRIPCIÓN DEL VCR, O CRATER RETREAT VERTICAL
北京矿冶研究总院矿山所 - 百度百科
主要包括大直径深孔采矿法( Vertical Crater Retreat )、自然崩落采矿法、全尾砂高浓度充填采矿法、上向或下向进路水砂充填采矿法、分段充填采矿法、大型露天矿陡帮开采以及露天与地下联合开采技术等。
VCR采矿工法(汇编).pdf 7页 - 原创力文档
2020.7.29 精品文档 垂直深孔落矿阶段矿房法( VCR 法)施工工法 1. 前 言 垂直深孔落矿阶段矿房法 (Vertical Crater Retreat mining method) 即 VCR 法是近二十几.来我国从国外引进的深部采矿法,随着新型 潜孔钻机的发展和应用, VCR 采矿法也被我国越来越多的矿
Sublevel Stoping Mining Method SpringerLink
2023.4.1 Since the 1970s, the sublevel stoping mining method (Fig. 1) has been an open stope mining method with relatively advanced technology, high mechanization and efficiency, reasonable safety, and low loss for the application of trackless excavating equipment in the underground. Its main features include: (1) The stage height is 40–60 m
2023.11.14 to improve the stability of Vertical Crater Retreat chambers and Ventilation drives. Among them are, mining the Ventilation drives at not less than 48 meters from the geological footwall contact, mining the Vertical crater retreat chambers at 25.25 meters strike length and supporting them with 6 meters cable bolts and fibre reinforced
A study on raise blasting and blast-induced vibrations in
2022.5.1 Study on the raising technique using one blast based on the combination of long-hole presplitting and vertical crater retreat multiple-deck shots. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. (2019) K.W. Liu et al. Study on the long-hole raising technique using one blast based on vertical crater retreat multiple deck shots.
Chromite ore beneficiation: prospects and challenges
2023.1.1 vertical crater retreat method. Supported methods: cut-and-fill stoping, stull stoping, square-set stoping. The supported class of methods is intended for application to rock ranging in competency from moderate
Vertical crater retreat mining in the Sudbury Basin
1991.9.1 Min. Sci. Technol., 13: 131-143. Faced with rising costs and lower metal prices, several Ontario base metal sulphide mines have changed their method of mining to vertical crater retreat mining. This is a bulk mining method that utilizes large diameter holes and mines successive cuts remotely by blasting and cratering the bottom of the drill holes.
The Blasting Test and Blasting Vibration Monitoring of
2017.8.28 of Vertical Crater Retreat Mining Method in the Luohe Iron Mine Zhenbin Rao . Sijing Cai Received: 10 September 2015/Accepted: 29 April 2016/Published online: 4 May 2016 Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 Abstract Because the land requisition and demol-ishing became difficult more and more, the mining